Defensive driving is one of the most important skills that a driver can have in a dangerous situation on the road. In practice, defensive driving can be essential to a driver’s safety, as, in some respects, it provides a safety net that allows you to be a more conscientious driver. This article will discuss what defensive driving is, the best ways that you can exhibit it, and the benefits of defensive driving.


A car accident is often one of the most traumatic and jarring events any of us can experience. It can sometimes be hard to know what to do immediately after an accident. This is unfortunate, as the time immediately after an accident is crucial in proving your innocence. Hopefully, you’ll never be involved in an accident in the first place, but in case you are, here are the crucial steps to take after getting in an accident. (more…)

No matter the reason for the suspension, we all have one thing in common—the need to reinstate your driver’s license in the shortest time possible. Every one of us relies on our car for everything. Getting to work, getting food, and going out to have fun are just a few of the multitudes of activities that each of us utilizes our cars for. Because of this, when we lose our license and cannot drive our car, our lives are essentially put on hold. Even so, just because you have had your license revoked does not mean your hopes for driving are over. Depending on why you lost your license in the first place, there is probably a way to regain your driving privileges. Here are the steps to getting your license reinstated after it has been revoked. (more…)

In most cases, recognizing road rage while it is happening is important to your safety and the safety of others around you. While the signs of road rage might not be evident to the average passerby, those who know what to look for will immediately be able to recognize when they are the victim of road rage. Defensive driving after you recognize you’re in the middle of a road rage incident becomes a lot easier. Without further ado, here is how you can recognize road rage while driving and what you should do after you see it.


Everyone knows that insurance rates are affected by traffic violations. However, unless you have suffered through one of these infractions before, you probably undershoot the overall rise in cost that a lot of these violations cause. The average driver vastly underestimates the amounts that insurance companies will charge if you get caught breaking the law. It is important to keep the consequences of your actions while on the road in mind in any circumstance. Staying aware of this will allow you to know that you will not have to suffer through the consequences that even the simplest of driving infractions can provide. Without further ado, here are how insurance rates are affected by traffic violations.


Most people associate only monetary fines and a possible loss of license as the main punishment for a DUI. It’s true that these are the most prevalent fines related to a DUI, but you should be aware of some other potential consequences. Here are the hidden costs of getting a DUI.


Every driver fears the thought of having their license revoked. This is most people depend on their cars to get them to work, the grocery store—anywhere they want to go. Even so, many drivers don’t know why a license might be revoked or suspended. This is a mistake, as knowing these rules enables you to actively avoid them, in turn keeping yourself out of trouble. Here are some reasons why a license might be revoked or suspended.


When someone says DUI, the first thought in most people’s heads is the DUI of a .08 BAC or greater. While this may be the primarily advertised form of intoxicated driving, the legal definition of a DUI has evolved. As more mind-altering substances are legalized and developed in the US, the law also grows to reflect such substances. Many state governments are updating their legislature to include the verbiage of “driving while under the influence of alcohol, other drugs, intoxication compounds, or any combination thereof” to be more precise regarding the laws in place. Unfortunately, many people seem to have missed this legislative update, resulting in them being arrested for a DUI they had no intention of committing. To update you on what types of a DUI there are, here is an explanation of six different types.


Nobody plans on receiving a charge for reckless driving, and yet it does happen. Knowing the consequences of such actions might make you think twice in the future before engaging in reckless driving. Here are five ways a reckless driving charge can impact you.


While most people consider driving a right, in reality, it is a privilege—and an expensive and somewhat risky one at that. Many never consider the financial implications of driving, nor do we consider the ramifications of driving infractions. When driving at a young age, it’s important to understand how a driving infraction can affect your credit.

