Steps To Take After Getting in an Accident

A car accident is often one of the most traumatic and jarring events any of us can experience. It can sometimes be hard to know what to do immediately after an accident. This is unfortunate, as the time immediately after an accident is crucial in proving your innocence. Hopefully, you’ll never be involved in an accident in the first place, but in case you are, here are the crucial steps to take after getting in an accident.
Remain Calm
Immediately after an accident, you’ll feel a rush of emotions that will cloud your judgment and cause you to panic. You must try your best not to let this happen, as it may impede a police officer’s investigation or put you or the other driver’s life at risk.
Check for Injuries
Many people report having back pain a day or even a week after the accident they were in happened. Even if you think you feel fine, the rush of endorphins that happen as a result of being in a crash will cause you not to feel pain. This is why it’s necessary to do a visual check of every part of your body that you can. Even after doing so, go to the doctor.
Get Your Vehicle Off of the Road
Get your vehicle off the road as soon as the police officer tells you so you won’t risk impeding traffic. If you’re forced to move it before an officer arrives, document the scene so you can have proof of what happened when they show up.
Check for Damage on Vehicles
If it was a minor accident, always check for damage on both vehicles, and if possible, document it. There’s nothing stopping someone from wrecking their car on purpose and claiming it was your fault if you don’t document absolutely everything that happened first.
Report the Accident To Law Enforcement
Once you ensure everything is ok, immediately call the police. They’ll help affirm who is at fault in the accident. They also have the ability to quickly dispatch medical services faster. It’s also required by law that an officer arrives on the scene of an accident so you may file a report.
Exchange Info With Other Drivers
Lastly, you should exchange information such as insurance, ID card, etc. Usually, the police will take care of this part. However, if it’s a minor accident that the police don’t need to get involved in, you will definitely need some sort of contact info and the other driver’s insurance.
These steps to take after getting in an accident are extremely important for your safety and proving your innocence. However, if you’re the one at fault, you can expect to need sr22 broad form insurance, as well as experience a plethora of other rate hikes.
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