Effective Ways to Keep Your Auto Insurance Rates Low

If you’re young and just starting to drive, the reality of responsible car ownership probably hasn’t set in yet. Car insurance isn’t fixed; rather, your car insurance responds to your level of competency as a driver. Over a period of time, skilled drivers can see their insurance costs lower significantly. Learn about the factors that can keep your auto insurance rates low and your wallet happy!

Take Advantage of Multi-Car Discounts

Any household with multiple vehicles is eligible for such a discount. Sometimes, you must register all vehicles under the same name, but this is not always the case. There are some exceptions to the multi-car insurance discounts—for example, you might not be able to bundle motorcycle insurance with car insurance.

The reason multi-car insurance is almost always cheaper is that it spreads out the risk for insurance companies. Insurers provide this discount to secure more business under one policy and to steer you away from competitors. It offers some nice personal benefits as well—having all your vehicles insured under the same policy means that you’ll have one payment and renewal date for your policy.

Each additional vehicle added on the policy adds to the discount; most insurance plans will cover up to five cars under one policy. Further, if a person on your policy were to file a claim, it will not affect your no-claims bonus.

Shop Around for Better Premiums

The truth about insurance is that there is no universal policy that is cheap for everyone—it really all depends on who you are and what your driving record is. Get as many price quotes as you can handle and make your decisions from there. Insurance companies often sell their insurance differently—some sell via their own agents, others sell through independent agents that offer policies from several companies.

Though Allstate, Geico, Progressive, and State Farm dominate most of the insurance market, don’t neglect local and regional insurance companies. People tend to be more satisfied with the service from smaller companies, and you might find it’s easier to negotiate on insurance with a mom and pop shop.

Ask About Discounts

There are quite a few discounts you may be eligible for. Here’s the rundown on just a few discount categories and the amount that might apply to you:

Type of Insurance


Average Discount


Discount rates apply for unrelated policies with the same insurer as part of customer loyalty.


Early Renewal

For renewing before the policy expires.



Insure more than one car on the same policy.


Good Student

Students under 25 with at least a 3.0 GPA.



Applies to drivers over 65.



Mandated insurance for income-eligible drivers.



Owns a home or condominium.



Active military members and their families.

15% for on base, 90% for deployed


Drivers with a history of no accidents that cost the insurer money.


Low Mileage

Drives 5k-15k miles/year.


Defensive Driver Course

Limited to approved courses only.


Good driver

NO at-fault accidents or moving violations for 3-5 years prior to purchasing insurance.



Alarms, tracking systems and kill switches installed in your car.



Own or lease a hybrid car.


New Car

Car must be 3 years old or younger.



Applies to older vehicles with factory-installed airbags.



Pays full premium at the beginning of the contract.



Drive Cautiously

Car accidents and moving violations increase your car insurance premiums tremendously. A 2017 study from Quadrant Information Services revealed that the average increase for a $2,000 insurance claim is about 44%. Your driving record is one of the biggest factors affecting the rate of insurance claims, though you won’t always get penalized for not-at-fault accidents and minor fender-benders. Your insurance will probably go up if the following statements are true for you:

  • You’re at fault for the accident.
  • There are thousands of dollars in damage.
  • You’ve filed multiple claims with the same insurer.
  • You’ve filed multiple claims with other insurers within a couple of years.
  • Your state enforces no-fault auto insurance, in which your insurer pays for damages regardless of who is at fault.

Some states follow a point system in which moving violations accrue points on your license. Each incident assigns a different number of points on your record which insurance companies can access in order to alter your insurance policy accordingly. Every state has its own regulations for allocating points to your license, so check out your state’s rules before you drive. Minor traffic infractions, however, are generally not something to worry about when it comes to insurance premiums.

Across the United States, over 1 million people are arrested each year for driving under the influence. It may seem obvious to not drink and drive, but alcohol disrupts people’s decision-making ability and sometimes, they do the unthinkable. If an officer arrests you for drinking and driving, you’ll need to seek out insurance companies that offer SR22, a type of auto insurance specifically for drivers who have severe traffic violations.

Consider Credit-Based Insurance Scores

Some insurance companies use a person’s credit score rating to determine whether they’ll extend them a policy, and if so, how much they will charge them. Insurers use elements of your credit information in order to predict how likely it is that you will file a claim and they’ll experience an insurance loss. We know from FICO spokesman Jeff Scott that “Insurers use insurance scores along with other risk information, such as motor vehicle records (for auto insurance), loss history reports, property inspections (for property insurance), and application information to evaluate new and renewal auto and homeowner insurance policies.”

The good news is that typically, insurance companies cannot base your policy rates solely on your credit score information. In fact, some states outright prohibit it. However, if your state still allows credit-based insurance scores, you’ll want to take steps to improve your credit score. If you’ve improved your credit score significantly over time but haven’t seen that reflected in your insurance premiums, contact your insurers. It’s possible that they haven’t updated your credit score report analysis.

Effective Ways to Keep Your Auto Insurance Rates Low infographic

How Does SR22 Insurance Work in Colorado A Handy Guide

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the highest percentage of drunk drivers in 2017 were 21- to 24-year-olds at 27 percent and 25- to 34-year-olds at 26 percent. Figuring out your insurance is hard enough at a young age, but when you factor in needing to obtain SR22 insurance, it becomes nearly impossible. If you’re wondering how SR22 insurance works in Colorado, we’ve got the information to help you navigate this process.

Why would you need an SR22

SR22 insurance is for those who commit serious violations while behind the wheel. By definition, those who need it are high-risk drivers. There are several reasons you would need SR22 insurance, including:

  • Driving under the influence
  • Uninsured drivers found at fault in a car accident
  • Reckless driving
  • Drivers caught with a suspended or revoked license

While it might feel restrictive, SR22 forms allow those who have had these issues to still be able to obtain insurance and drive.

How does SR22 insurance work in Colorado

Technically, the SR22 is a form, and the amount of time you need to have it on file will vary. In Colorado, the average requirement is three years. However, these requirements may vary depending on the offense—they can fall anywhere between three months to three years. For those who are first-time drunk driving offenders, according to Colorado Statute 42-2-132.5(4)(b)(II), a judge will have the option to shorten the filing time frame to as little as four months. It will vary on a case-by-case basis, so be cognizant of your own particular situation.

Finding SR22 insurance

The filing process can be confusing but don’t fret—with Serenity Group’s help, filing will be much simpler. With over 25 years of experience, we’re able to help you reinstate your license at the best price possible. Best of all, we provide auto insurance, motorcycle insurance, boat insurance, and many other options in order to best suit your particular needs.

If you need to fill your SR22 in Colorado, there’s no reason to stress. While it can seem daunting, with the right help, you’ll be on your way to securing insurance in no time.

How a Reckless Driving Charge May Impact You

Sometimes, we don’t always think about the danger we put others in with our carelessness. If you’re faced with a reckless driving charge, you may be shocked and fearful of what this means for your future. Know what your state laws are regarding reckless driving and prevent any future setbacks. Below, we explain what reckless driving is and how a charge may impact you.

What is Reckless Driving?

Reckless driving means operating your vehicle in a way that is likely to cause harm to the safety or property of others. The term encompasses many harmful driving tactics such as swerving; driving over 25 miles above the speed limit; illegal passing; weaving through traffic; ignoring traffic signs; racing. Eliminate activities like cell phone usage while operating your car as well, as this decreases your focus on driving by as much as 37%.

Unlike other traffic violations, the circumstances surrounding a reckless driving charge are much more pertinent to the charge. Each individual case is investigated, and people are either found guilty or innocent based on various factors including the time of day, weather conditions, the presence of drivers or people on the road, or if the driving was intentionally reckless. To uphold a reckless driving charge, the court must prove you acted beyond negligence and willfully drove in a way that disregarded the safety of others. This does not mean, however, that the prosecution must prove your mental state was compromised. Instead, they just need to show that a sign or signal was present that should have alerted the driver to his/her carelessness.

Driving recklessly is not the same thing as driving carelessly. Both are considered moving violations but driving carelessly is less serious and less costly. Careless driving refers to someone driving without paying attention. The primary difference between the two charges is intent.


As one of the more serious traffic offenses, it can cost you up to $2,500 in fines, jail time, and license revocation. Most people choose to hire a lawyer to get the charge reduced to a misdemeanor, as in some states reckless driving is considered a felony charge.

A reckless driving charge can also incur points on your license. Most moving violations result in points on your record, but not all states abide by the point system to keep track of driving offenses. The states that do use the point system have established limits—if you exceed the maximum number of points, you will get your license revoked. Some points stay on your record for a decade, but there is also the option to have them removed after driving school or getting the charges reduced in court. Luckily, online SR22 insurance offers you a way to continue driving after a serious moving violation should the court not grant you an appeal.

Overcoming Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol is a vital social component of American life, but some people unfortunately become addicted to the intoxicating drug. No one is impervious to alcohol’s effects, and the younger you begin drinking, the more likely you are to develop a destructive habit. In fact, according to AAA, “people who begin drinking before they’re 15 years old are five times more likely to be alcoholics later in life.”

Alcoholism destroys lives, but you can always seek change. Learn how to identify a drinking problem, how it affects your body, and how you can overcome it.

How to Identify a Drinking Problem

Identifying an alcohol use disorder is tricky, mainly because it doesn’t have a strict definition. In the words of Anne Fernandez, a clinical psychologist at the University of Michigan Treatment Services, “There’s no quantity or frequency of alcohol included in the definition. Essentially, it’s really about certain features of alcohol use becoming a problem in your life—you’re starting to lose control or not being able to cope without a drink.”

As Fernandez mentions, there will be outward signs that you’re developing a dependency on alcohol, including the neglect of relationships to people in your life and to your responsibilities. If your alcohol use is affecting your productivity, your ability to hold a job, and other obligations, that is a cause for concern. Here are some other red flags from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders that point to alcohol abuse:

  • You have attempted to reduce your alcohol intake multiple times but have failed.
  • You think obsessively about consuming alcohol.
  • You have suffered sickness due to alcohol use.
  • Alcohol has interfered with your work and/or personal life.
  • You have stopped participating in activities you used to enjoy so that you can drink elsewhere.
  • You drink to the point of memory loss and often find yourself in dangerous situations after drinking.
  • You have suffered withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, shakiness, restlessness, or a racing heart after the initial effects of the alcohol have worn off.

Depending on how many of these criteria you have exhibited, the severity of your disorder may vary from mild to moderate to severe and life-threatening. Some alcohol abusers also drive while drunk, which can lead to severe social, legal, and monetary problems down the line, including thousands of dollars in fines and possible prison sentences.

Stages of Alcohol Intoxication

Intoxication occurs at different stages for different people. The most accurate measurement of the level of a person’s intoxication is blood alcohol content (BAC), which is calculated by the weight of the alcohol in a certain volume of blood. BAC can be measured by testing the blood, urine, saliva, or breath, and it increases according to how quickly alcohol is consumed. Many factors, including height, muscle mass, metabolism, and gender, can affect a BAC reading. For example, a larger person will have more water in their system to dilute the alcohol, meaning their BAC level will be lower than that of a smaller person who consumes the same amount of drinks.

In all 50 states, impairment is legally defined by a BAC limit of .08%. For reference, a BAC of .10% means that your blood contains one part alcohol for every 1,000 parts of blood. The following are the documented stages of intoxication, which may help you gauge how impaired you are and whether you should continue drinking:

  • .02-.03: Behavior is mostly normal with slight mood changes.
  • .05-.06: At this stage, feelings of euphoria occur, as well as talkativeness, decreased inhibitions, and impulsivity. Some negative effects such as impaired logic and irrational decision-making may also arise.
  • .08-.09: You may experience poor judgment, slurred speech, slow reaction time, a lack of control, and a slight decrease in fine motor skills
  • .10-.17: During the fourth stage of intoxication, you may experience slurred speech, blurred vision, erratic emotions, aggression, and a clear lack of coordination.
  • .20-.29: In the fifth stage, you’ll behave almost as if in a stupor: you’ll experience severe confusion, an inability to control your emotions, and sometimes vomiting.
  • .30 and above: The possibility for physical harm during this stage increases tremendously. You may pass out or even face cardiac arrest or death.

Physical and Mental Effects of Addiction

Alcoholism is often comorbid with other psychological disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, PTSD, and anxiety and personality disorders. Clinicians often have difficulty analyzing how psychological disorders and long-term alcohol abuse relate: according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “Heavy drinking associated with alcoholism can coexist with, contribute to, or result from several different psychiatric syndromes.”

Heavy alcohol use affects brain function by altering the same neurotransmitters that form psychological disorders. Prolonged alcohol abuse can cause unalterable damage to the brain, resulting in long-term loss of cognition, diminished gray matter in the brain, memory loss, and even a dangerous, chronic illness called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which is caused by a lack of vitamin B1 (a common effect of prolonged alcohol use). Long-term use of alcohol also diminishes the overall mass in the brain’s neurons, leading to brain damage and resulting in learning difficulties, unstable moods, and an inability to control muscle movements.

The effects of alcohol on the body are just as destructive. The liver breaks down harmful substances that travel through the body, cleanses blood, and processes 90% of consumed alcohol. When you consume too much alcohol, your liver can scar, which can lead to three common alcohol-related liver disorders: fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and alcoholic cirrhosis.

  • Fatty liver: The buildup of fat in your liver inhibits your liver’s ability to purify toxins. Though the condition can be reversed with a reduction in alcohol use, it leads to death in many people because it has no symptoms and is only diagnosable via biopsy.
  • Alcoholic hepatitis: This is caused by inflammation of the liver from drinking. Symptoms include jaundice of the skin and eyes, nausea and vomiting, abdominal tenderness, and fatigue. In severe cases of alcoholic hepatitis, the mortality rate can reach 50%.
  • Alcoholic cirrhosis: Cirrhosis is the deadliest of these disorders. It replaces healthy liver tissue with scar tissue, disrupting blood flow and damaging liver function. Late-stage cirrhosis can only be treated with a liver transplant.

Overcoming Alcohol Addiction

For many individuals, overcoming alcohol addiction means specialized treatment in a rehab facility. Addiction facilities provide counseling and a supportive environment where you can address traumas that may have contributed to your alcohol use. You can begin making amends for past mistakes and repairing relationships with family members and with yourself. For people who have been drinking for years, a medically supervised detox may be necessary. Many rehab facilities also offer aftercare options such as group therapy and the popular 12-step program to help individuals maintain their sobriety.

Psychological disorders complicate treatment, but it’s not impossible to seek treatment for both conditions. Detoxing your body from alcohol will allow you to seek medication for your psychological issues, which may not have been possible before, considering alcohol often conflicts with prescription drugs.

For people who have found themselves subject to a DUI charge, don’t hesitate to call Serenity Group for SR22 insurance in Las Vegas. Addressing your wrongdoings and seeking treatment will enable you to get your driver’s license squared away and to begin a path toward responsibility.

Identifying and Overcoming Alcohol Addiction info

Drinking and Driving What to Do After a DUI

A night of drinking coupled with impaired judgment can quickly take a treacherous turn. If you drove a vehicle while intoxicated and are now dealing with the consequences, explore what to do after a DUI to become a more responsible drinker.

Your First DUI

Post-DUI, most people just want to get their driving privileges back—but that’s easier said than done. A few possible consequences of a first DUI conviction include a suspended license, fines, a prison sentence (for serious offenses), drunk driving education, a substance abuse evaluation, and/or a mandatory court appearance. Unfortunately, even a first-time DUI offense can end up costing perpetrators anywhere from $10,000 to $25,000.

When the police pull you over for a suspected DUI offense, they first administer a sobriety or breathalyzer test. In all 50 states, a first-offense DUI is classified as a misdemeanor, meaning that you can face up to six months in prison. Some states extend jail time if your BAC is much higher than the legal limit of .08%. In addition to a brief stint in jail, perpetrators will likely face fines—sometimes up to $2,000.

DUI offenders will also likely get their licenses suspended for a fair amount of time. After the police officer takes away your license, a 10-day permit can be issued, allowing you to drive your car for 10 days afterwards. However, a first-time DUI conviction carries a mandatory minimum license suspension of 180 days. After their convictions, most DUI offenders also have to get SR22 insurance, a specific type of vehicle insurance that your provider may impose on you after you get a DUI.

Each DUI offense ends with a criminal court proceeding—you can choose to represent yourself or hire a DUI lawyer to represent you. The most beneficial outcome for you would be the opportunity to bargain for a plea deal, which you can’t do without a lawyer. Getting your DUI charge reduced to a lesser offense means the possibility of expunging it from your record, lower fines, and getting back on the road faster.

Repeat Offenses

All of the above penalties increase in severity if you’re a repeat DUI offender. A common consequence of multiple DUI convictions is getting your car impounded. During your arrest, police officers will arrange to have the vehicle taken to an impound lot. The vehicle may remain on the premises for a period of 90 days, after which it may be auctioned off or sold for parts. Many states also put offenders with multiple DUIs into mandatory alcohol rehabilitation centers.

A second DUI is still considered a misdemeanor, coming with a fine of $2,500 and a maximum jail sentence of one year. Once you’ve been subject to a third DUI arrest, charges increase to a Class 4 felony. Penalties for that include up to three years in prison, but more moderate consequences include a $2,500 fine along with probation. A fourth DUI—and anything beyond that—is considered a Class 2 felony. Probation for individuals with four or more DUIs is prohibited; instead, they must serve prison sentences of three to seven years.


If you’re looking for SR22 insurance in Washington, trust Serenity Group to get you back on the road in safest and most efficient way possible.

Frequently Asked Questions about SR22 Insurance

A SR22 is a type of insurance that many people may not have heard of before they’re notified that they require one. So, what is a SR22? The short answer is that a SR22 is a certificate that’s held by high risk drivers upon committing a traffic offence. Due to the name, there is a common misconception that this is an insurance form, but it’s not. A SR22 is simply proof of financial responsibility that must be maintained for as long as the holder’s state requires. Reasons for needing a SR22 include:

  • Receiving several tickets in a short amount of time
  • Being convicted of a DUI or other substance abuse
  • Driving without insurance or a license
  • Driving with a suspended license
  • Being at-fault in an accident without holding the proper insurance.

Maintaining a SR22 is not an experience anyone is eager to have. You’re also likely to develop several questions when applying for one. To address any queries you may have, we’ve made a list of frequently asked questions about SR22s.

How Do I Get a SR22?

To file for an SR22, you need to already own standard auto insurance. If you’re penalty was due to not carrying insurance, you’ll have to obtain that before getting your SR22. Depending on your driving history, this can be expensive, but it’s an essential step. Once you have regular auto insurance, you just need to contact your insurance provider to begin the SR22 filing process.

How Much Will It Cost?

This can vary, of course, but in most places a SR22 holds a $15 to $50 filing fee, and the penalty/reinstatement fee can run between $55 and $250. You may want to talk to a few different companies before making a financial decision regarding your provider. Do thorough research on the companies you are considering.

Does the Law Vary by State?

This short answer is yes. You should check your state laws before filing for your SR22 and familiarize yourself with the requirements. Not only do state laws vary, but there’s a chance that you’ll have to refile the form if you move between states. There are states that don’t require SR22s, so you want to familiarize yourself with their laws as well. The states in which SR22s aren’t required:

  • Alaska
  • Delaware
  • Kentucky
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • Oklahoma

How Long Will I Need It?

This varies by state, but the average term of an SR22 is three years, and you’re required to keep your policy current the entire time. If you commit another punishable offense while carrying your insurance, you’ll most likely have to file again and start the process over from the beginning.

Will it Affect My Insurance Rates?

Unfortunately, your SR22 can have a large impact on both your current, and future, insurance rates. If a SR22 is a result of reckless driving, such as drinking or dangerous speeding, it’s more than likely your insurance will take a hit. Insurance companies may offer an exorbitant premium, or outright reject your application. Also keep in mind that it’s possible that your current provider may drop you upon learning of your offence.

Can I Get it With a Different Insurance Company?

Once you answer the question of insurance rates, you may wonder if you can have both your auto insurance and SR22 with different companies—yes, you can. Many insurance companies don’t even offer a SR22, so you would have to select a different company regardless. This is important information in allowing you to select the rates that work for you.

What if I Don’t Have a Car?

An SR22 acts as proof of financial responsibility. You’ll need to have it even if you don’t own a vehicle. What you’ll need is non-owner SR22. This means that if you’re involved in an accident and are at fault, the vehicle you’re driving will not be covered.

Can I Switch Insurance?

It is certainly possible to switch insurance policies while holding a SR22, as long as you still follow the proper requirements. It’s understandable that you may wish to do this if your policy is affected by the incident, and you want to explore different financial options.

What if I Miss a Payment?

Allowing your insurance to lapse will almost certainly cause suspension of your insurance, so you want to be sure to stay current. If you don’t maintain it, your insurance company is required to let the government know, and this can result in heavy fines. If you do miss a payment, call your insurance company immediately to avoid penalties.

How Long Does it Take to Get it?

The entire process can take as long as 30 days, although this depends on the situation. You ideally want to contact your insurance company immediately after learning that it’s required. Once you find the quote that works for you and sign up, the company will issue the certificate. An electronic file can be transferred immediately so that you don’t have to wait. Some states, however, do require your certificate to be sent through the mail.

I Have My Certificate. What Now?

Once you have your SR22, it’s important that you always have it on you. If your insurance company has an app, you may be able to download it and access your form there. The most important things to do are keep up on payments and be careful on the road. Any additional driving offenses may invite harsher consequences than they did previously.

Mindfulness on the road is what’s ultimately going to be your best friend. Get a designated driver if you go out drinking, and always make sure that you’re current on your insurance policies. Having a SR22 is an annoyance, but it won’t be on your record forever. If you follow the guidelines presented to you, everything will be settled over time.

We hope that everything on this list has answered any questions you may have. If not, contact the appropriate insurance companies, and they’re sure to help you with anything you may need. If you’re looking for SR22 Insurance in Denver, contact Serenity Group today.

SR22 Insurance information

different types of insurance

For anyone unfamiliar with SR22 insurance, the entire process can seem daunting. There are a few important things you need to know, including how to get it and what type of it you’ll need. The requirements for filing, as well as how long you’ll have to hold your certificate, vary from state to state. As for the type of SR22 you need to obtain, there are three different options, all of which depend on your vehicle ownership status.

1. Owner

An owner policy is required for anyone who owns the car they drive and holds insurance for that vehicle. The SR22 is proof that you own your vehicle, and that it’s insured under your name. If lack of insurance was the reason you need a SR22, you’ll first have to get car insurance before filing for the form. If you already have insurance, you’ll have to contact your carrier and make them aware that you need to carry a SR22.

2. Non-Owner

If you don’t have a car, you may believe you shouldn’t need a SR22. This is not the case.  Even if you don’t own a car, if you drive one you still must be insured. Fortunately, a non-owner SR22 is oftentimes less expensive than an owner certificate, as many states only require non-owners to carry liability insurance.

3. Owner/Operator

This certificate covers vehicles that are owned by the driver, and any others that they drive. This is important to have if you drive several cars, as you want to be sure that you’re covered in any potential situation. The one downfall is that it’s typically more expensive than the other options.

You want to look into all the options, and their accompanying laws, before filing for any forms; it’s important that nothing is overlooked. We again stress the importance of being fully aware of your state’s specific laws as well before taking any steps. If there is anything you’re unsure of, contact your insurance agent and they should be happy to help you figure things out.

For any of these options, you can get an SR22 in Indiana with Serenity Group today.

Tips for Recovering from a DUI Conviction

Receiving a DUI conviction is a scary­—as well as stressful—occurrence. It can feel as though your life is now completely off-course and that you’ll never recover. When this happens, it may take you a while to get back on your feet. It’s important you take the time to come to terms with what happened and decide what your next steps will be. There is bound to be long-term consequences and you’ll need to learn how to navigate them. We provide a few ways that you can begin your road to recovery after receiving a DUI.

Get SR22 Insurance

After receiving a DUI, you’re required to obtain an SR22. This is a proof of insurance that’s held by high-risk drivers. An SR22 can be very expensive, but fortunately, some companies offer competitive quotes for eligible applicants. If you find the right company, getting an SR22 insurance online can be a painless experience.

Seek Out Support

Your initial instinct upon receiving a DUI may be to run away—either physically or metaphorically. Don’t make any impulsive choices; stop, breath, and evaluate your situation. If you were to move in pursuit of a new start, factors such as your SR22 coverage and the penalty on your background check will still follow you. It’s better to stay in place and receive help from the people around you. Reach out to family and friends and see what they can offer in terms of support and accountability.

We understand that there are circumstances where family members cannot offer their assistance. Should that be the case, you could consider starting therapy. GoodTherapy is an excellent place to begin your search for help. We also recommend seeking out local support groups. Below are some online resources you can use find the group that’s right for you.

Stay Sober

One of these most important things you can do is avoid alcohol. You need to prove that you can be accountable to not only those around you but to yourself as well. To avoid relapsing, you’ll want to identify and learn how to avoid potential triggers.

Some common triggers include:

  • People you used to drink with
  • Certain environments
  • Stress
  • Certain times of the day

The good news is, apps such as Mood Tracker can help you to track changes in your mood and make it easier to identify triggers. If you’re diligent about keeping everything in one place, you may even start to discover patterns. Once you’re able to determine what provokes your need to drink, share your discoveries with a healthcare professional. They’ll help you devise a solution on how you can avoid these occurrences.

Find New Hobbies

If you’ve struggled with alcohol addiction, you may find yourself with a lot of free time during your remission. The risk of relapse may be higher if you sit with your thoughts and allow large pockets of empty time. Navigate this by filling your time with hobbies that excite you. Explore some of your older passions or try something completely new.

Forgive Yourself

For many, the hardest step in this process is your willingness to forgive yourself. Unfortunately, the effects of your DUI are going to stick around for a while, however, you’ll have to learn how to grow despite this. Take the time you need to recover and decide what’s next—this is a lesson learned. Use this new perspective to jump back into your life on a more positive note.

Causes of Road Rage and How to Handle Them

What is Road Rage?

The first thing you should know is that there’s a difference between aggressive driving and road rage. It’s important to know the differences between the two and identify which category you fall under, if any. According to New York State’s official site, “Aggressive driving is the operation of a motor vehicle in an unsafe and hostile manner without regard for others.” While aggressive driving is not road rage, it can branch into it.

Road rage is a violent act instigated by an occurrence caused by traffic. It’s important to note that road rage is not caused by the traffic itself, but by the individual displaying it. If you’re someone that displays any sort of violence due to incidents on the road, it’s important to realize that what you’re doing is the result of your own actions and no one else’s. Even mild-mannered people can display road rage, so it’s not just those with hot-heads who are susceptible to dangerous actions.

If you’ve identified yourself as someone that struggles with road rage, it’s best to pinpoint the causes and plan your solutions accordingly. The most common trigger for road rage is someone getting cut off, which accounts for 44% of incidents. Other common triggers include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Heavy traffic
  • High Beams
  • Slow driving
  • Tailgating
  • Inappropriate gestures

Once you’ve identified the cause of your road rage, you can work on ways to navigate your roadside temper. We’ve collected some tips on how deal with this, and we hope that you can successfully integrate them into your daily driving habits. If you find that you still struggle with rage when on the road, consider contacting a mental health professional to learn about their additional recommendations.

Heavy Traffic and Slow Drivers

Crawling home at a snail’s pace after a long day of work is likely to get on anyone’s nerves. Whether it’s bumper to bumper traffic on the highway or a driver ahead of you on a one-lane road coasting beneath the speed limit, we understand your frustration. With an entire day’s events already sitting on your chest, one more thing going wrong could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. It’s important that you know how to handle these frustrations in a safe manner. If you feel negative energy piling up, take a deep breath and ground yourself. If you’re worried about slow traffic taking up time that could be spent on more important things, try to find ways to make your drive more productive, and redirect your thoughts.

What to Do:

  • Listen to a podcast on a subject that interests you.
  • Choose a book series that takes a long time to listen to, and keep the audiobooks in your car.
  • Create new music playlists, and choose songs that will calm you.
  • If you have Bluetooth connected to your car, call someone you haven’t caught up with in a while. If you do this, make sure that it’s by voice command only, and that you’re not picking up your phone while moving.

Being Cut Off

The most common cause of road rage, and why does it make us so angry? For one, it often feels like someone is entering our space that we don’t think has a right to. It’s easy to concentrate on the fact that they had no regard for other drivers on the road, only their own goals. Another reason that this may be so anger-inducing for us is the dissociation we have with other drivers. Since we don’t know them, we don’t know of their motives or their concerns for their safety. This blatant disregard of others will annoy everyone, but ultimately, it’s a small brushstroke in the bigger picture.

What to Do:

  • Realize that you don’t have control of the driver in front of you, but you do have control over yourself. You need to accept that they did something arguably wrong, but you won’t retaliate with further instigation.
  • Avoid eye contact. Making any sort of visual connection with the other driver could cause the situation to escalate. If they’re already agitated, and now you are as well, you’re both more likely to make inappropriate gestures that could be translated as a challenge. It’s better to avoid the situation by keeping your eyes trained on the road.
  • The danger has passed, and nothing with lasting effects has occurred. Recognize and accept this fact and move on.

Distracted Drivers

Distracted drivers aren’t only an annoyance—they’re a danger. When someone is endangering the lives of others for the sake of their own convenience, they’re sure to invite disapproval. Drivers are 23 times more likely to get in an accident when using their phone behind the wheel. With all the reports of accidents caused by technology, it is tempting to battle their dangerous habits by displaying your own.

What to Do:

  • Drive defensively. Once you identify the potential threat, try to be more aware of your own driving. Keep your distance from the driver in case they brake suddenly or swerve into another lane. You may wish to pass the driver, but be careful if you choose to do this.
  • Report the driver. If you consider their behavior too erratic, call the proper authorities instead of taking justice into your own hands. If the driver is navigating in a way that’s unsafe to other drivers, especially if they seem to be under the influence, there should be some sort of intervention, but only from the proper authorities. Again, don’t pick up your phone while driving. Use it wirelessly or pull over.

You Are in Control

We stress again that the choices of other drivers are not your own. You should never put the safety of others at risk because of your own anger, whether you determine it to be justified or not. It’s important to be aware of what makes us tick and how to avoid it.

Road rage is considered a crime, and you can get in serious trouble for getting involved. If you’ve been in trouble before for this offense, you may seek out ways to manage your anger. This is an admirable step for you to take. There is also a chance that your road rage has caused a need to obtain an SR22. If you need one, we can help.

Browse our site to learn more about the types of sr22 auto insurance we offer and the states we service.

Road Rage and How to Handle Them info

What is SR-22 Insurance and When Do You Need It

After a license suspension or serious driving misdemeanor, you will likely have to file an SR-22 form. Though not an ideal situation, you can prepare yourself for the rigidity of an SR-22 policy.

What is SR-22?

People make mistakes, and an SR-22 form offers a little hope to drivers who commit serious moving violations. An SR-22 is required when someone can’t pay for damages incurred during a serious traffic offense. Such offenses include:

  • Drinking and driving
  • Reckless driving
  • Getting into an at-fault car accident without insurance (once or multiple times)
  • Driving with a suspended license

Though often referred to as insurance, SR-22 is a form filed with the state rather than an insurance plan. Filing an SR-22 identifies you as a high-risk driver, and your insurance company is notified of your precarious driving record. This usually results in premiums raised anywhere from 14-40%. Higher premiums protect the insurance company, as they take on a high risk and potential future damages by keeping you on as a claimant.

The length of time you need to keep your SR-22 varies state-by-state and relates to the seriousness of the transgression, but the average length of SR-22 is at least 2 years.

How to File an SR-22 Form

If your infraction is serious enough to require a court appearance, the judge will order you to obtain an SR-22 at the time of the ruling. Don’t fret, reputable auto insurance companies can help you fill your SR-22 out. They may charge an initial one-time fee for filing the claim with the state. The insurance company sends a copy of your SR-22 to the appropriate state department, and then the insurer will notify you if you can maintain insurance with them. Some insurance companies are unwilling to take on SR-22 claims, in which case you’ll have to locate another company willing to do so.

If you’re unable to consistently make the minimum payments to sustain your SR-22 insurance, you face license suspension. If this worst-case scenario happens to you, you’ll have to catch up on late or missed payments and re-file an SR-22 claim. The length of time you must maintain the SR-22 insurance starts over when you file a new claim. If your state orders SR-22 for a minimum of 3 years and your plan lapsed after 2 years, for example, you will have to maintain the policy for another 3 years from the point of expiration.
