All You Need To Know About SR-22 Insurance in Colorado

Driving is a dangerous activity, as it puts heavy machinery into the hands of millions of people. That’s why every state has different regulations and laws when it comes to driving and the punishments that come with dangerous driving practices. Here’s a look at the state of Colorado and what it does with SR-22 insurance to ensure safer driving.
What Is a Colorado SR-22
The SR-22 is a form that some states require for people who have broken laws while driving. These forms give you the right to own a license and drive, but they require you to have a certain level of insurance. This ensures that more reckless drivers have insurance to cover possible accidents when driving.
Reasons To Get an SR-22
There are many ways you can receive an SR-22, depending on the state you’re in. Colorado gives out SR-22 to people convicted of severe traffic offenses. Driving without a license, driving under the influence, or driving recklessly can net you an SR-22 punishment.
Insurance Requirements
SR-22s all require the owners to have a certain level of insurance, which changes state to state. The Colorado SR-22 requirement requires a plan that covers at least $100,000 in bodily injury per person and $300,000 per accident. The insurance will also need to cover $100,000 in property damages. Drivers who do not get an insurance plan with at least this level of coverage won’t get their driver’s licenses back.
Length of SR-22
The SR-22 doesn’t last your whole lifetime. For most cases in Colorado, drivers will only need it for three years. After those three years have elapsed and if you have kept up with your insurance and not broken the law during that time, you no longer need the SR-22. However, you’ll have to work with your insurance company to remove it from your record to lower your insurance premium.
This is everything you should know about the SR-22 in Colorado and how it affects drivers in the state. Obviously, it’s best if you can avoid breaking the law in the first place. But if you do find yourself in Colorado with the SR-22, this guide should help you.
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