Non-Owner Car Insurance: What It Covers and Who Needs It

Non-Owner Car Insurance: What It Covers and Who Needs It

Not everyone who drives owns a car. If you’re cruising around in a vehicle that you borrow or rent, you still need a valid auto insurance policy. This is where non-owner car insurance comes in. A non-owner policy costs less than regular car insurance and covers less than other insurance policies, but it ensures that you meet your state’s minimum liability requirements for auto insurance. However, a non-owner policy isn’t for everyone. Find out if this is the car insurance policy for you with this overview of non-owner car insurance, what it covers, and who needs it.

What Your Non-Owner Policy Covers

Just like regular auto insurance, non-owner policies provide liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage you might cause to others in the event of an accident. This coverage also helps protect you from lawsuits that might arise from such an accident. You can also add other coverage to your non-owner policy. These might include uninsured or underinsured motorist protection to pay for your medical expenses in case you get into an accident with an underinsured driver. You might also add medical payment coverage to pay for you or your passengers’ injuries in the event of an accident. However, because a non-owner policy doesn’t cover a specific vehicle, any damage to your own vehicle will have to come out of your own pocket.

Who Needs Non-Owner Car Insurance?

Generally speaking, non-owner car insurance is for individuals who drive but don’t own their own vehicle. Keep in mind, though, that if you operate a vehicle that belongs to a family member—such as teenagers driving their parents’ cars—you don’t need non-owner insurance. Instead, the vehicle’s owner should list you on their own policy. However, you might need non-owner car insurance if you frequently rent cars or borrow from someone who isn’t a relative or member of your household. You can also get a non-owner policy if you want to maintain continuous coverage but won’t be driving for a while. This can help you keep your insurance rates low when you purchase a vehicle again. Finally, many people seek non-owner car insurance to reinstate their license or meet an SR22 insurance requirement after a DUI or other major driving violation.

When it comes to auto insurance, it’s important to consider all of your options. Now that you know more about non-owner car insurance, what it covers, and who needs it, you’re ready to find a policy that fits your life. No matter what kind of policy you need, Serenity Group can help you find affordable SR22 insurance in Denver, California, or anywhere else you drive. When you find coverage that fits your lifestyle, you can save money and make more room in your budget for the things that matter most.