Navigating the delicate path of supporting a loved one through alcoholism recovery is as challenging as it is rewarding. While our intentions may be good, our words can sometimes do harm.

Whether you’re part of a support group or a friend of someone in recovery, it’s vital to understand the language that can support—or undermine—a person’s battle with alcoholism. As you work to become the best support system possible, learn what not to say to someone recovering from alcoholism.


The world runs on wheels, and insurance is the grease that ensures the journey is smooth. Whether you’re a car connoisseur with a beloved vintage model or a business owner managing a fleet, understanding the differences between standard and commercial car insurance is critical in safeguarding your automotive assets.


Car insurance is a must-have for most drivers, and your credit can play a surprising role in how much you pay for that coverage. Let’s address some common misconceptions about car insurance and credit and how it truly affects your coverage options and what you pay.


Are you tired of not fully understanding the ins and outs of your insurance policy? The jargon and complex terms often make it difficult for policyholders to grasp the details of their coverage. One important aspect that often causes confusion is the role of deductibles in broad form insurance. Understanding how deductibles work can empower you to make informed decisions about your coverage and ultimately save you money in the long run.


Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense that can have long-lasting consequences on your personal and professional lives. In addition to possible jail time, fines, and restrictions on your driver’s license, having a DUI charge on your record can also affect your ability to secure loans in the future.


Beep, beep! Oh look, another text message—but hold on, let it wait. In today’s world of constant communication and the endless need to be connected, it’s harder than ever to keep our focus on the road. That’s why we’re here to provide tips for eliminating distractions while driving so you can reach every destination safely.


You’re cruising down the highway, listening to your favorite tunes, when suddenly you see flashing lights in your rearview mirror. You pull over, and after a brief interaction with the officer, you’re left with a sinking feeling. That’s right, the dreaded SR-22 requirement looms in your immediate future. But don’t lose hope. This essential guide to choosing the best SR-22 insurance will provide you with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate this often misunderstood process. (more…)

You’ve seen the shocking headlines and heard the tragic stories. But have you ever wondered what drives young adults to get behind the wheel after a few drinks? Learn more about why young adults are more likely to drive drunk, and discover some tips for keeping yourself and your loved ones safe on the road.


You’re cruising down the highway, minding your own business, when suddenly, a behind-the-wheel mishap occurs. What crosses your mind next? Do you find yourself wondering what counts as a severe driving offense? Take a look at some of the most common driving offenses and their potential repercussions.


Navigating the complexities of auto insurance can often feel like traversing a winding, unmarked road. One of the trickiest turns may be understanding what an SR-22 is and how it affects you. To make this journey less daunting, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about SR-22s in Washington so you can confidently proceed in the right direction.

