Several severe driving offenses in Colorado are punishable by license revocation. In order for a high-risk driver to comply with Colorado law and reinstate their driver’s license, they must file for SR22 insurance. Review this brief look at SR22 insurance in Colorado to better understand the filing process. (more…)

Although nearly all U.S. states and Washington, D.C. require auto insurance, up to 14 percent of drivers are uninsured. Driving without insurance coverage can result in costly penalties and have a harmful effect on your driving record. These consequences only get more serious if you fail to file for SR-22 or FR-44 insurance after committing a serious driving offense. We will explore the risks of driving without insurance coverage for both typical and high-risk drivers. (more…)

Each state has its own regulations and penalties for severe driving offenses. Those who have committed a serious offense will also face consequences related to their auto insurance. Drivers may need to file an FR-44 form to reinstate their driver’s license after such an occurrence. Because most drivers won’t need an FR-44 in their lifetime, many people don’t know its legal requirements. We will guide you through everything you need to know about FR-44 insurance.



Auto insurance provides protection for you and your vehicle if you get into a car accident. As such, choosing the right auto insurance policy takes careful research and consideration. There are plenty of things to keep in mind, including state requirements for minimum liability protection and different types of optional coverage. To make things easier, read this guide to discover the information you need to know when choosing an auto insurance policy.


When police pull you over and suspect you of driving intoxicated, they will likely ask you to take a breathalyzer test. A breathalyzer is a device used to assess a person’s blood alcohol content (BAC) with a breath sample. The legal limit for a driver’s BAC is 0.08%, and blowing a higher BAC reading is considered to be legally impaired. It is a common misconception that breathalyzers are completely accurate tools for assessing BAC. However, several factors can affect a breathalyzer reading and produce an inaccurate result. (more…)

There are several kinds of charges for driving dangerously, and many people get them confused. Reckless driving and DUI charges can both have severe consequences but are imposed for different driving offenses. We’ll explain the differences between a reckless driving charge and a DUI charge and how they impact your future.


You must grapple with the many ups and downs of reaching new markets and goals as your business expands. Commercial auto insurance is important if you’re thinking about adding a fleet of vehicles to your business expenses.


With each sip of that celebratory champagne or swig of beer at the local pub, you’re not just tasting a beverage; you’re entering a complex chemical dance that can have very serious consequences, particularly if you plan on getting behind the wheel. Blood alcohol content (BAC) is the key player in this tale, dictating your level of impairment and, in many cases, deciding the fate of your safety and that of others around you.

Let’s walk through nine crucial elements that can affect BAC levels to empower you with knowledge that’s vital for every driver and health-conscious individual.


Two terms repeatedly surface in discussions of road safety and driving under the influence—BAC and BrAC. While these terms seem similar, their distinction could mean the difference between a safe drive home and a ticket plus a legal ordeal, especially for drivers in need of SR22 coverage.

Let’s break down the key differences between blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) so you can be more responsible on the road.


For someone who lives in a bigger city, owning a vehicle might seem more like a hassle than a privilege. In a world where ridesharing apps and rentals fit the bill for most “wheels” needs, the concept of nonowner car insurance might never have appeared on your radar. But what if we told you it could protect you in a motor vehicle accident where you’re the one at fault? (more…)
