Understanding How SR22 Affects Your Spouse

Reckless driving is no joke. If you receive a conviction for a DUI or other major traffic violation, the consequences can affect all aspects of your life. You’re not the only one who will have to deal with your actions, either. In many states, a reckless driving charge leads to an SR22 requirement, which changes insurance rates for both you and your spouse. It’s important to learn how SR22 insurance works so that you and your spouse can find the right policy and work through your requirements. Take care of your family with this guide to understanding how SR22 affects your spouse.
Finding an SR22 Provider
When you receive an SR22 requirement, the first thing to do is find an insurance provider that can help you meet these requirements. Although your spouse doesn’t need the SR22, you’ll still need it on your shared policy. Keep in mind that not all auto insurance companies offer to file the SR22 for you. Speak to your current provider to learn more about their filing fee and how an SR22 will affect your insurance rates. Even if your current insurance company offers SR22 insurance, it might not be the most affordable option.
Increased Insurance Rates
Even if your spouse has a clean driving record, your traffic violation labels you as a high-risk driver. Most insurance companies view married couples as joint owners, which means they’ll assume both of you are driving your vehicle. As a result, both you and your spouse will have to pay the higher insurance rates you receive after filing an SR22. Some states will allow your spouse to exclude you from their policy, but this can be tricky. The SR22 still requires you to hold auto insurance. As we mentioned, most insurance providers will view you and your spouse as joint owners of your vehicle. Sharing an auto policy is the simplest and easiest option for you and your spouse.
Find the Right Policy for Both of You
The SR22 will raise your premium, but it doesn’t have to take over your life. The key to understanding how SR22 affects your spouse is to do your research. Take the time with your spouse to shop around and look at your available options. Serenity Group can help you learn more and compare quotes for the SR22 online. With the right resources on your side, you can stay diligent, meet your requirements, and return to a normal life for you and your spouse.
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