States With the Highest Rates of Drunk Driving

Driving under the influence is extremely reckless and illegal, yet it’s common all over the United States. Every state tackles the issue with different laws and regulations and has different DUI rates. Here’s a look at some of the states with the highest rates of drunk driving in the country.
Total DUI arrests
The total number of DUI arrests can be a bit misleading. A place with a significantly higher population will naturally have a higher number of DUI arrests. However, that doesn’t mean the state has a particular issue with DUI drivers. The real measure worth checking is the DUI arrests per 100,000 people, as it provides a more accurate view of the issues of the state.
DUI Per Capita
Four states stand out above the rest with their DUI per capita rates: Wyoming, North Dakota, Montana, and Idaho, in that order. In 2019, these states reported DUI rates ranging from 633 to 442. This is significantly higher than the District of Colombia, which reported only nine DUI arrests in 2019 for a DUI rate of 1.27 per 100,000 people.
The Same Region
What is so interesting about these four states is they are all in the same geographical location. They are close to each other in both their DUI rates and locations. This link between the states isn’t coincidental, as many professionals have the same critiques for these states’ laws.
Possible Reasons
It’s impossible to determine why the rates of DUIs are so high in these states, but it’s easy to see that each one of these states has lax regulations and laws for drunk driving. Critics believe the lax laws don’t do enough to deter drunk driving and are why these states have such high DUI rates. Professionals suggest implementing harsher laws like the SR-22 form, where people must search for affordable SR-22 car insurance, to dissuade people from drunk driving.
Now you know why understanding the states with the highest DUI rates is so important. It can help these states tackle their long-standing issues and guide them toward remedies for the future.
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