In Napa, car insurance can be difficult to get with a DUI on your record. For people who have recently had their driver’s licenses suspended or revoked and who therefore require SR22 insurance in Napa, Serenity Insurance provides all the opportunities they’ll need to make their SR22 as affordable as possible. If you need the State of California to reinstate your driver’s license, you are required to file an SR22 with the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Everyone at Serenity Insurance prioritizes delivering the most convenient and affordable SR22 car insurance policies that will get you back on the roads of Napa as soon as possible. No matter what you’ve gone through, Serenity Insurance offers various types of SR22 insurance policies that provide you with the cost-effective coverage you need. Reach out to us today about obtaining SR22 car insurance coverage that won’t break your budget.
Napa SR22 Auto Insurance
This is the most common form of SR22 policy. It’s a standard Certificate of Financial Responsibility (CFR) that demonstrates an operator’s vehicle is covered. After you’ve lost your license, the correct certificate of insurance will verify that California’s minimum requirements for auto insurance liability coverage are met. Licenses are revoked for several reasons, including driving on a suspended or revoked license, driving under the influence, or failing to cover child support payments. In any of these cases, you’ll likely need SR22 car insurance in Napa, CA. At Serenity Group, we strive help drivers obtain the Napa car insurance they need to drive safely.
Napa Nonowner SR22 Insurance
Nonowner, or operator-only, insurance is for people who don’t have any registered cars. Nonowner SR22 insurance normally has lower expenses and payments, but it still covers all of California’s mandated liability coverage requirements.
Napa SR22 Motorcycle Insurance
This serves the same function as the ordinary auto SR22, but it’s for motorcyclists. This insurance is also usually cheaper than auto SR22s, but it still meets the liability coverage requirements mandated by the State of California. If you’re a motorcycle owner, obtaining the SR22 coverage you need matters when your license becomes revoked.
If you have any questions regarding SR22 car insurance in Napa, CA, please don’t delay—contact our team. We’d love to assist you.
The above information is intended as informational and does not constitute legal or insurance advice. Insurance requirements in California are subject to change.